for 4 persons
Get started
- Preheat the oven to 150 degrees Celsius.
- Pour the cream into a suitable pan. Cut the vanilla pod open lengthwise. Scrape out the vanilla pulp.
- Add the vanilla marrow and the empty vanilla pod to the whipped cream.
- Heat the whipped cream to boiling point. Remove from heat source and let stand for about 10 minutes.
- Beat PLANT B Egg with the sugar. Add this to the hot cream with vanilla. Remove the stick from the mixture.
- Pour the mixture into suitable Crème Brûlée containers (called ramekins).
- Place the ramekins in a casserole dish and pour boiling water to half. Place in the oven
- Cook the Crème Brûlée in about 75 minutes.
- Cool in the refrigerator, do not cover.
- Then sprinkle with a thin layer of cane sugar. Now burn it off with a gas burner.
- Repeat this operation if necessary for an extra crispy layer.